Some time back I starting using one of those auto-following services offered by SocialOomph because like many new Twitterers, I thought anyone who followed me was worth following back. Wrong, as I and maybe you yourself discovered your tweet stream fills with marketers and dubious "experts" promoting themselves, their products, and their services. Not to mention all the p**n stars. The inescapable down side of Twitter.
The most undesirable aspect of this I feel is that you are actually following these people. This of course will be a reflection on your own integrity because by following them you advertise to the world that you approve of them.
I have decided therefore that I will no longer use any of these services. Hence forth I will only follow those who I make a decision to follow because I want to. People who I find interesting, who are willing to take part in a discussion rather than a one way diatribe.
I will now also start to go through the stream of people who I currently follow and ditch those that I do not want to be associated with. Conducting a quick search using Google showed me that there is a whole raft of services and programmes that you can subscribe to or purchase to clean up your followers for you. Am I going to use one, am I now going to tell you the one I have found that you simply can not do without? Absolutely not. I am going to do it the long way, the manual way, the way that will involve more time but hopefully at the end of the process will produce a list of people that I want to follow, that will have been my decision and will not have involved me passing on my password to anyone.