Monday, 23 November 2009

Search for a Sat Nav continued

Well I have been looking around on the internet at options for a Sat Nav and have a slightly better understanding (I think) of what I want (See my last post Search for a Sat nav). There seems to be some good deals at argos, most of the units have money off at the moment. At one point I thought I had narrowed the choice down, until that is I started looking at customer reviews. That merely succeeded in throwing me into total confusion again.

One Sat Nav model that I was considering appears to have issues with the software and with boot up time, the time it takes to aquire a GPS signal. I must confess that I had not even considered things like that at all. I guess these are some of the points I need to be aware of.

I will study this Sat Nav business some more, try to learn more about what issues need to be taken into consideration, then report back.

Watch for my next post on the Sat Nav

Saturday, 21 November 2009

Search for a Sat Nav

Yes folks I am currently engaged in a Search for a Sat Nav, but which one and where from, I have no idea.

Having witnessed their use and then experienced several recent incidents of getting hopelessly confused at large junctions and roundabouts while attempting to follow instructions taken from a map, I have decided the time to get a Sat Nav for myself, is here.

But here-in lies the quandary. Having taken a quick scan at what is on offer, I am totally bemused. There are so many to choose from and the prices vary enormously. If I buy a cheap model will I find that it sends me the wrong way up a one way street or invites me to turn into a canal? If I buy a more expensive one, will I be paying for features that I do not want?

What I do know is that I want a straightforward Sat Nav that will give me directions and inform me in plain easy to understand language what roads to follow and where I need to turn. What I do not want is anything to make life more complicated or that will involve wading through a giant manual full of instructions before I can even determine how to switch it on. I do not want fancy gimmicks or advanced features, or one that will play MP3's, sing songs or dance a jig. I also do not want to buy a Sat Nav then find that in a few months time I need to download the latest update to it's software (at a price) in order for it to continue to do it's job.

So there in a nut shell is what I am after, please leave a comment if you can help in any way towards my search for a Sat Nav.