Saturday, 21 November 2009

Search for a Sat Nav

Yes folks I am currently engaged in a Search for a Sat Nav, but which one and where from, I have no idea.

Having witnessed their use and then experienced several recent incidents of getting hopelessly confused at large junctions and roundabouts while attempting to follow instructions taken from a map, I have decided the time to get a Sat Nav for myself, is here.

But here-in lies the quandary. Having taken a quick scan at what is on offer, I am totally bemused. There are so many to choose from and the prices vary enormously. If I buy a cheap model will I find that it sends me the wrong way up a one way street or invites me to turn into a canal? If I buy a more expensive one, will I be paying for features that I do not want?

What I do know is that I want a straightforward Sat Nav that will give me directions and inform me in plain easy to understand language what roads to follow and where I need to turn. What I do not want is anything to make life more complicated or that will involve wading through a giant manual full of instructions before I can even determine how to switch it on. I do not want fancy gimmicks or advanced features, or one that will play MP3's, sing songs or dance a jig. I also do not want to buy a Sat Nav then find that in a few months time I need to download the latest update to it's software (at a price) in order for it to continue to do it's job.

So there in a nut shell is what I am after, please leave a comment if you can help in any way towards my search for a Sat Nav.

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