Friday, 14 August 2009

Biddulph Grange Garden | National Trust

A delightful Victorian garden surviving from the 19th century is Biddulph Grange Garden. Here amidst this National Trust property you will find tunnels and pathways leading the visitor on a minature tour of the world.

We did find that there are an enormous amount of steps to be negotiated and is not suitable for people in wheel chairs. It can also prove difficult for anyone who finds the need to go up and down numerous steps a challenge or causes them discomfort.

Planting of rare and exotic species of plants collected from around the world lead you into areas of the garden planted to simulate an Egyptian court and an elegant Italian Terrace.

Enclosed within it's own Great Wall of China is a unique Chinese garden complete with temple. Chinese style buildings of wood surround a small lake containing colourful fish, you can walk the perimeter by stepping over wooden bridges and decked pathways. The path also leads you through the wooden temple.

The gradens were originally designed in the mid 19th century by James Bateman to display specimens from his extensive and wide-ranging plant collection, obtained by his botanists from around the world. The garden is set out in a series of connected 'compartments' where visitors are taken on a sensory journey of discovery through tunnels and pathways to individual gardens inspired by countries around the world.

Contact Details for the National Trust Biddulph Grange Garden
Biddulph Grange Garden
Grange Road, Biddulph, Staffordshire ST8 7SD
Telephone: 01782 517999

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