Monday, 27 July 2009

De-Clutter Your Wardrobe

An important aspect of the downsizing or de-cluttering process is to De-Clutter Your Wardrobe.

We all seem to do it, we all fall into the habit of clinging onto things that may have become completely useless for us. A look through your wardrobe and you are sure to find that you are holding on to things that are far too old, to dated and out of fashion.

Clothes which you haven’t even touched in many years, never mind wearing them, are still hanging there. Well now that you have made a conscious decision to de-clutter, it's time to make some space in that wardrobe. It is time to rid yourself of all the stuff that you don’t really need.

You look through tops, skirts, pants and find it difficult to decide what to discard and what to keep, well ask yourself a simple question, "When did you last wear that item and what are the chances that you may never wear it again?"

Clothes for special occasions that are worn infrequently are a different matter and of course these you will keep. Some classic styles are timeless and are beyond fashion. Maybe there have not been many special occasions lately where you could wear them, but you never know when such an occasion may come up suddenly. So give such special clothes their designated space in the wardrobe.

If you are ruthless, you will see free space again in that freshly de-cluttered wardrobe.

Thursday, 16 July 2009

Declutter Your House With These Simple Tips

Here is another useful article I found relating to decluttering your house, getting rid of all that stuff you accumulate over the years. Learn more about how to Declutter Your House With These Simple Tips

Decluttering a whole house can seem overwhelming. BUT if it's broken down into bite size chunks, it doesn't seem so bad. These tips helped me declutter my house. Hopefully you'll find them just as useful.

#1. Start with decluttering for 15 minutes a day. It's enough time to achieve something. It's short enough that we can all fit it into our busy schedules. If you do this one thing, it becomes a good habit. It will also ensure you keep your home clutter free in the future.

#2. Pick one room for your 15 minutes a day sessions and stick to it until it's decluttered. It doesn't really matter which room you start with.

#3. Declutter storage space first. Once you get control of drawers, cabinets and closets it will be so much easier to find a home for everything.

#4. Be ruthless in deciding what to keep and let go. You can't succeed at decluttering unless your willing to let stuff go.

#5. Make it easy to get rid of stuff. Designate space for items you want to sell, donate to charity, give away, send for recycle or bin.

#6. Deal with paper. Little and often works best. Paper causes a lot of clutter. Bills, invoices, receipts... it's so easy to get out of control. Get a simple system going for incoming mail. You'll need a bin and a 2 tier tray. One tray for items that need to be actioned, the other for documents that need to be filed. Set up a filing system. Use a diary for scheduling actions, like paying bills.

#7. As soon as you bring something new into the house, set aside storage space for it. Always keep it in it's place when not in use.

Click here for more ideas on how to declutter your home fast. I followed the advice on how to declutter my house and you can too. Why don't you give it a try?

Discover the best home organization solutions

Article Source:


Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Declutter My House | Paper

To follow on from my last post comcerning decluttering my home, I thought you might be interested in this article I came across on the world wide internet web thingy.

How To Declutter Paper In Your Home And Office Forever. I offer nine tips on how to organize your mail, files and all the other papers that seem to make it into our homes and offices.
so I thought, lets take a look:

Learn How to Declutter Paper in Your Home and Office
By Marilyn Bohn

I remember when computers were becoming really popular and we all thought they would take care of our paper work pile ups. A man working next to me said he thought they would create more paperwork nightmares. From my observations this has become true.

I have 9 tips on how to declutter paper in our homes and offices:

1. Create a filing system that works for you. I use Freedom Filer that is based on placing everything in color coded categories. The first step is to gather up all your lose papers. Sort through every piece even though you might think you know what is in that stack-a bond or some other important piece of paper could be hiding.

2.Create a system to handle your mail by finding a home for your mail. This could be a basket, bowl, shoe box etc. someplace that you always place your mail so you know where it is and where to go when your ready to sort through it.

3. Do you wonder how long to keep papers? Utility bills only keep one month until you get your next bill and verify you have received credit for payment. If you can prove two different ways that you have paid the bill you don't have to keep it past one month. The exception to this is if you want to compare last year's bill to the current year. After you have done this, recycle, shred or trash them.

Anything that has to do with taxes put with the tax papers, don't keep in separate folders.

Keep your will, birth and death certificates, marriage licenses, adoption papers, military records, citizenship papers, power of attorney and copies of your 401D accounts along with the names of your beneficiaries, property titles, deeds and mortgages forever-to name a few.

Go to for information related to how long to keep tax records. They are usually to be kept for at least 7 years.

4. Use your computer for filing instead of printing off everything you receive. Keep the information in a folder on your computer. If you need to print it out you can do so if and when the need arises.

5. Pay your bills on line. Sign up for electronic bill pay and notify the company to send your bills via the internet.

6. Get your name off junk mail lists. Go to Google and search junk mail for several places you can sign up to get off lists. This will really help you organize clutter as you'll have a lot less junk mail to organize.

7. Handle each piece of paper only once. Make a decision at the time you first pick up the paper and act on that decision.

8. Declutter paperwork by canceling magazine and newspaper subscriptions you don't read. How to declutter magazines that are stacking up around your home is to go through them every three months and recycle them even if you haven't read them, you can always find the information online.

9. Keep your inbox under control. Don't let it overflow with papers that need filing. File on a regular basis so paper work doesn't take over your life.

By taking care of paper that comes into your home a little at a time can free you up to do what you want to do and will help you declutter your home and life before it becomes a burden to you.

Marilyn is a professional organizer and invites you to visit her website, She is a sought after public speaker and author who is passionate about teaching ways to organize your life and how to reduce clutter. She works with women in their homes and offices. On her web site she teaches you to get rid of clutter by using her Lights On Organizing System. She provides practical information on how to declutter your home, office and life. In her blogs, articles, and videos she gives timely tips on how to clear clutter and how to declutter everything in your home and office. She is the author of a book called Go Organize! Conquer clutter in three simple steps which will be in major bookstores in December 2009.

Marilyn is a creative organizer who has been organizing for over 20 years. She is a member of the National Association of Professional Organizers and is working towards becoming a Certified Professional Organizer. Professionally she has been organizing homes and offices for two years. She holds a bachelors degree in Social Work. She has reared five daughters and currently lives in Utah.

Go to her website where you can find free organizing tips and interesting blogs and helpful articles on organizing.

Article Source:


Tuesday, 14 July 2009

More jokes

Are baked be-ings a Lions favourite food?

The Daddy Lion told his cubs to wait until they saw the Zebra crossing.

What's striped, dangerous and lives in the jungle? A tiger on a pogo stick.

My cat ate a ball of wool. Soon after she had mittens.

I think my cat's been eating ducklings again. She's got that down in the mouth look.


Monday, 13 July 2009

My Latest Twitter Jokes

When I met my husband I didn't have a penny to my name. Now I've got another name.

What's worse than raining buckets? - Hailing taxis! (ouch)

My friend in Oz asked if we had a nice summer last year. "yes" I replied, "we had a nice picnic that afternoon"

Eat prunes, they certainly give you a good run for your money.

2 ducks on a pond, 1 duck says "quack", the other duck says "Ohhh.. I was going to say that"

Where do you find a one legged dog? - Where you left it.


Declutter My House

Well I have actually started the process, I have taken the first steps to Declutter my House. That is to identify those items of no use to us, all manner of things that have been kept for many years and never or at least very little, used. What is the point of keeping these things, hidden away gathering dust.

I have also begun the process of sorting out my wardrobes, some of the clothes I will never wear again (and since loosing weight there are some that I am determined never to wear again) have already gone to the charity shop. Some one will make good use of them, all are perfect and if it helps out others that is surely a bonus.

Hubby started on the garage, and I am glad to report that it is now possible to enter beyond the doorway. Up to yet accumulated rubbish has been taken to the local tip but now he is busy identifying things that will be saleable on Ebay. What he will find in there I do not know, the rear wall has not been seen for many years. Good luck to him.

I also have plenty of items that are ready to go on to Ebay. I need to take some pics and start to write some listings. I have made a tentative start tonight with a small book, James Herriots Cat stories, a delightful little book, purrr...fect for any cat lover and containing some lovely illustrations too. I'm not sure how well books will sell online, the problem being that because of the size and weight of books, the postage costs are high in relation to the value of the item.

This Link will take you to the book > James Herriots Cat Stories

This link will take you to all my Current Ebay listings

You can also find me on Twitter >> Sues_Cabin on Twitter


Sunday, 12 July 2009

How to Downsize Your Home

We have decided that we need to move to a smaller place. How to Downsize Your Home has become the utmost in our minds because over time we tend to accumulate lots of stuff. We have drawers full of stuff, all manner of things stored in the loft and it's quite a few years since the car fit into the garage. Yes there is too much stuff in there too.

I suppose over the years I have been a bit of a collector, nothing specific, but I have had my fads of collecting books, ceramics, things that I would surely use at some time and some things that I would never use and were simply too good to throw away. We all do it, I know that I am not alone.

How many of you have an exercise bike, or a tread mill, step box, one of those metal curved things , or one of those big balls all for that keep fit programme we were determined to stick to "this time" but we never did. I won't even mention the fitness videos. But how do you begin that process of de-clutter? Lets take a look at how to downsize your home.

Deciding what you really need requires a good long look at how you live your life daily and prioritizing the activities and items that are already a part of your actual lifestyle. forget about those things that you always wanted to do but never got around to doing.

Take a good hard look through your home and evaluate everything you own. With each item ask yourself if you have used it in the past year and, if you have, how often? Be honest with yourself.

One of the great ways of assessing your need for something that seems really difficult to part with, is to store it for say 6 months. After this period if you have found no need for it then sell it, dump it, or give it away.

Downsizing invariably means that your favourite furniture will not fit into your new home. I have know people who were loathe to part with furniture for which they had a special attachment and they begin life in their new home by trying to make it fit in. It never works and simply causes stress and heartache, it's better simply not to take it.
