We have decided that we need to move to a smaller place. How to Downsize Your Home has become the utmost in our minds because over time we tend to accumulate lots of stuff. We have drawers full of stuff, all manner of things stored in the loft and it's quite a few years since the car fit into the garage. Yes there is too much stuff in there too.
I suppose over the years I have been a bit of a collector, nothing specific, but I have had my fads of collecting books, ceramics, things that I would surely use at some time and some things that I would never use and were simply too good to throw away. We all do it, I know that I am not alone.
How many of you have an exercise bike, or a tread mill, step box, one of those metal curved things , or one of those big balls all for that keep fit programme we were determined to stick to "this time" but we never did. I won't even mention the fitness videos. But how do you begin that process of de-clutter? Lets take a look at how to downsize your home.
Deciding what you really need requires a good long look at how you live your life daily and prioritizing the activities and items that are already a part of your actual lifestyle. forget about those things that you always wanted to do but never got around to doing.
Take a good hard look through your home and evaluate everything you own. With each item ask yourself if you have used it in the past year and, if you have, how often? Be honest with yourself.
One of the great ways of assessing your need for something that seems really difficult to part with, is to store it for say 6 months. After this period if you have found no need for it then sell it, dump it, or give it away.
Downsizing invariably means that your favourite furniture will not fit into your new home. I have know people who were loathe to part with furniture for which they had a special attachment and they begin life in their new home by trying to make it fit in. It never works and simply causes stress and heartache, it's better simply not to take it.
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