Monday, 27 July 2009

De-Clutter Your Wardrobe

An important aspect of the downsizing or de-cluttering process is to De-Clutter Your Wardrobe.

We all seem to do it, we all fall into the habit of clinging onto things that may have become completely useless for us. A look through your wardrobe and you are sure to find that you are holding on to things that are far too old, to dated and out of fashion.

Clothes which you haven’t even touched in many years, never mind wearing them, are still hanging there. Well now that you have made a conscious decision to de-clutter, it's time to make some space in that wardrobe. It is time to rid yourself of all the stuff that you don’t really need.

You look through tops, skirts, pants and find it difficult to decide what to discard and what to keep, well ask yourself a simple question, "When did you last wear that item and what are the chances that you may never wear it again?"

Clothes for special occasions that are worn infrequently are a different matter and of course these you will keep. Some classic styles are timeless and are beyond fashion. Maybe there have not been many special occasions lately where you could wear them, but you never know when such an occasion may come up suddenly. So give such special clothes their designated space in the wardrobe.

If you are ruthless, you will see free space again in that freshly de-cluttered wardrobe.

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